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Every marketer and entrepreneur wants to know the best ways to get attention on social media. Facebook, YouTube, LinkedIn, Instagram and Twitter are full of potential prospects. But how you do stand out is key.

Before social media, if you wanted to reach out to someone for whatever reason, there were only three ways: face-to-face, by phone, or by email. And that meant you had to find them, their phone number, or their email address.

Now you can tweet, link, like, post, or message your way into pretty much anyone’s life. Anyone can do it. And therein lies the rub. Everyone does do it. And the competition for people’s limited time and attention is enormous.

So, you’ve got to differentiate yourself from the pack. Stand out. Get noticed. That’s the only way you’re ever going to get a response. Sure, it’s hard to do. Hard, but not impossible.

If you’re looking for ways to improve your social media strategy, or you want to use social media to capture your target audience’s attention,

SocialMetricsPro share their 25 tips for success in this infographic.

Here are a few that make their list:

• Consistent updates
• Deliver value in your updates
• Socialise
• Be the source of information
• Share success stories

Check out the infographic for more detail.

social ways


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This article was originally published in 18 May 2019. It was most recently updated in December 19, 2022 by Wise

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