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Successful landing pages are pages that enjoy high lead and sales generation. This article shows the 8 tips most successful landing pages use to generate higher conversation rates and engagement. According to Wikipedia, a landing page for online marketing is a single web page that appears in response to clicking on a search engine optimised search result, marketing promotion, marketing email or an online advertisement. “ A landing page is a standalone web page, created specifically for a marketing or advertising campaign” according to Unbounce. It is designed with a single objective of a call to action(CTA) for lead generation.

Landing pages are associated with social media, email newsletter campaigns, search engine marketing, effective articles that enhance the effectiveness of the advertisements. The major aim of successful landing pages is to convert site visitors into leads and sales. If the aim for the creation of a particular landing page is to obtain leads, the landing page will contain some features like an inquiry form or phone number to enable the visitors to have access to the company. While, if the goal of creating a landing page is to generate sales, the landing page will have a link for the visitors to click, which will give them access to a shopping cart or checkout area.  

There are two types of landing page and they are references and transactional landing pages according to Wikipedia. A reference landing page presents information that is relevant to the visitors. It aims to isolate the visitor from any distractions and only provide the visitor with all available information about the targeted product to convince the visitor to take action. While a transactional landing page is to persuade a visitor to take action to complete a transaction by proving a form that needs to be filled out. 

While every landing page is unique, there is a set of tips that all successful landing pages rely on to enjoy overall success. These include the following:

    1. Proper Landing Page: A proper successful landing page doesn’t always follow a logical top-to-bottom structure that starts by explaining the concept and ends with a call-to-action instead the best features and the most important information are placed at the top of the landing page. This method reduces the possibilities that most people will overlook vital information unlike the chronological structure, whereby the chances of most people never making it to the end of the listings to access vital information is relatively high.


    1. Targeted Headline: A successful landing page’s headline is a top priority and not a mere afterthought. This is because the headline most time is the visitor deciding bargaining chimp whether to click on the link or not. So the headline is the first thing a user notices about a landing page. To get catchy headlines that work, make use of numbers, negative verbiage, few words, multiple parts and clear intentions.


    1. Appropriate Colours: Every colour produces different emotions and feelings that subconsciously affect the visitor’s subconsciousness when they visit a site. While the colour scheme may seem like a matter of preference, it is also important to know the psychology behind choosing colours like the colours high converting successful landing pages use. Consider the following: Blue represents strength, Purple represent creativity and imagination, Orange represents clarity and warmth,  White represents neutral and balanced, Red represent boldness, Green represents growth and vitality.


    1. Credibility and Approval: Explaining the benefits or providing testimonials that prove your products or services are worthy of a trial, reinforce the visitor’s decision to take action of converting. The best way to achieve a successful landing page is by using social proof and allowing your audience to naturally make their own decisions based on the facts you provided. Showing various social proof features such as reviews, customers testimonials and case studies can enhance the credibility of your value offering. This action makes your prospective users feel at ease with your claims and decide in your favour.
    2. Optimise Frequently: Successful landing pages are pages that required the most tweaking and optimising. So optimising the landing page increases the chances of delivering the best results. If you want to develop high converting pages, then make a habit out of a continuous analysis of researching the best practices.


    1. Simplicity: Do not overcomplicate your landing page with plenty of text and photos. Always ensure that your landing page sticks to the basics like simple text, one image preferably use a product image as the background to achieve a successful landing page. When attaching forms such as claiming a deal or signing up for an email list, keep the form as short as possible. If you don’t want to hinder the speed efficiency of your landing page, don’t make it lengthy.


    1. Single Call to Action: A landing page should have one call to action to keep subscribers focused on one task to achieve a successful landing page. The call to action should be simplified for easy understanding. The best way to achieve this is by creating a call to action button that has a different colour from the rest of the landing page.


  1. Matching Message and Look: A successful landing page and emails carry some element of the same message. That is when an email offers a discount percentage for a particular item, the headline of the landing page should also state that same offer. The landing page should also have similar look to the email for clarity. This means using the same overall design so that when subscribers click on an email’s call to action and are taken to a matching landing page, they will know that they are on the right page which helps them to follow through with the action. 

Successful Landing pages
In conclusion, not all successful landing pages convert the same. To have the best landing page results, research and adopt the best landing page practices to achieve a higher conversion rate.


This article was originally published in 30 March 2021. It was most recently updated in November 28, 2022 by Wise

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