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How would you feel if your site was nowhere on Google after dominating the SERPs for a while? I don’t know about you, but I would have my heart in my mouth. If you are like many of us, you would have that feeling too.

You see, over 90% of the Search Engine traffic comes from the first page of Google. Here is a detailed analysis of the click-through rate based on various factors like industry, title, keywords, and so on.

Over the years, Google has penalized numerous websites. Some were using black-hat SEO techniques. However, there were also many website owners who had no clue of why Google penalized them. Many entrepreneurs have lost their primary source of income due to Google Penalties.

In your quest to master SEO, so you’d stay ahead of your competitors, it’s also important to steer clear of Google’s penalty system.

QuickSprout share their guide to a penalty-free SEO strategy in this infographic.

Here’s a quick summary:

• Penalties to avoid
• Focus on relevance
• Diversify anchor text
• Build brand signals
• Build real social signals
• Build trust

Check out the infographic for more detail.

Google penalty


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This article was originally published in 16 May 2019. It was most recently updated in April 16, 2024 by Wise

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